Purpose Me

You want words to voice like popcorn spilling out quickly, freely, and calling each sense to img_0002wander in like a party has begun.

Having no speech places me in an unusual predicament. People tend to ignore me. Quietly I listen. When I am spoken to, volume rises. Communication is a fundamental part of life. Deep in night fear I fight back with my dreams. I am intelligent, with an appreciation for little things, like people in public places who speak to me like the knowledge of who I am inside pushes past my rough shell of unvoiced thoughts.

Writing helps push my inner voice out, keeping me pursuing my dreams.  Pursuing a dream gives purpose to life. Please help me wake my purpose by greeting me with who you are and what purpose you seek in your life.

Thank you for hearing me never make a sound.


Silent e


2 thoughts on “Purpose Me

  1. Beautiful, thank you Austin for for teaching me & many so many others, & for showing your intelligent precious self. You are a precious gift to others, opening hearts, & filling them with all hope & aww. Teaching others that Love & communicating our hearts is the most important thing we have. You inspire & teach others, & I’m so excited for your hope & future. Love, Aunt Lynda


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